Source code for geni.urn

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"""Simple library for manipulating URNs, particularly those used for GENI

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re

from geni.aggregate.core import AM
from geni.exceptions import WrongNumberOfArgumentsError

[docs]def Make(s): """Returns the 'most specific' URN object that it can for the given string. Specifically, returns a GENI URN if the string is in GENI format, or a Base URN if it is not. May throw a MalformedURNError exception if the string is not a valid URN at all.""" if GENI.isValidGENIURN(s): return GENI(s) return Base(s)
[docs]class MalformedURNError(Exception): """Exception indicating that a string is not a proper URN.""" def __init__ (self, val): super(MalformedURNError, self).__init__() self._val = val def __str__(self): return "Malformed URN: %s" % self._val
[docs]class Base (object): """Base class representing any URN (RFC 2141).""" PREFIX = "urn" NID_PATTERN = "[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,31}" NSS_PATTERN = r"""[a-z0-9()+,\-.:=@;$_!*'%/?#]+""" NID_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % NID_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) NSS_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % NSS_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) URN_REGEX = re.compile("^urn:%s:%s$" % (NID_PATTERN, NSS_PATTERN), re.IGNORECASE) @staticmethod
[docs] def isValidURN(s): """Returns True if the string is a valid URN, False if not.""" return Base.URN_REGEX.match(s) is not None
[docs] def isValidNID(s): """Returns True if the string is a valid NID, False if not.""" return Base.NID_REGEX.match(s) is not None
[docs] def isValidNSS(s): """Returns True if the string is a valid NSS, False if not.""" return Base.NSS_REGEX.match(s) is not None
@staticmethod def _fromStr(s): if not Base.isValidURN(s): raise MalformedURNError(s) return tuple(re.split(":",s,2))
[docs] def __init__ (self, *args): """Create a new generic URN URNs can be initialized in one of two ways: 1) Passing a single string in URN format ('urn:NID:NSS') 2) Passing two strings (the NID and the NSS) separately""" if len(args) == 1: # Note, _fromStr will thrown an exception if malformed (_, self._nid, self._nss) = Base._fromStr(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: if not Base.isValidNID(args[0]): raise MalformedURNError("NID: %s" % args[0]) if not Base.isValidNSS(args[1]): raise MalformedURNError("NSS: %s" % args[1]) self._nid = args[0] self._nss = args[1] else: raise WrongNumberOfArgumentsError()
def __str__ (self): return "%s:%s:%s" % (Base.PREFIX, self._nid, self._nss) __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class GENI (Base): """Class representing the URNs used by GENI, which use the publicid NID and IDN (domain name) scheme, then impose some additional strucutre.""" NID = "publicid" NSSPREFIX = "IDN" # Taken from the list at TYPE_AUTHORITY = "authority" #: Aggregate Managers, Slice Authorities, etc. TYPE_IMAGE = "image" #: Disk images TYPE_INTERFACE = "interface" #: Network interfaces TYPE_LINK = "link" #: Point-to-point and multipoint links TYPE_NODE = "node" #: Physical and virtual machines TYPE_SLICE = "slice" #: Container for allocated resources TYPE_SLIVER = "sliver" #: Slice of a specific resource TYPE_USER = "user" #: Principal # We use IDN for authorities, and many identifiers turn into parts of domain # names, so we sort of match against DNS strings (though are somewhat more # permissive) DNS_PART = "[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9-]*" DNS_FULL = r"""(%s.?)+""" % DNS_PART AUTHORITY_PATTERN = "%s(:%s)*" % (DNS_FULL, DNS_FULL) TYPE_PATTERN = DNS_PART NAME_PATTERN = Base.NSS_PATTERN GENINSS_PATTERN = r"""%s\+%s\+(?P<type>%s)\+%s""" % (NSSPREFIX, AUTHORITY_PATTERN, TYPE_PATTERN, NAME_PATTERN) GENIURN_PATTERN = "%s:%s:%s" % (Base.PREFIX, NID, GENINSS_PATTERN) AUTHORITY_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % AUTHORITY_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) TYPE_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % TYPE_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) NAME_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % NAME_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) GENINSS_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % GENINSS_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE) GENIURN_REGEX = re.compile("^%s$" % GENIURN_PATTERN, re.IGNORECASE)
[docs] def __init__ (self, *args): """Create a URN in the format used for GENI objects There are four forms of this constructor: 1) Pass a single string in GENI URN format ('urn:publicid:IDN+auth+type+name') 2) Pass three arguments: the authority (a single string), the type (see the TYPE_* variables in this class), and the object name 3) Pass three arguments: as #2, but the authorit(ies) are passed as a list, with the top-level authority coming first, followed by any subauthorities 4) Pass three arguments: as #2, but the authority is a geni.aggregate.core.AM object, and the authority is taken from that object""" if len(args) == 1: # Superclass constructor parses and sets self._nss, which we then split # into its constituent GENI parts. _splitNSS might throw an exception. super(GENI,self).__init__(args[0]) self._authorities, self._type, self._name = GENI._splitNSS(self._nss) elif len(args) == 3: if isinstance(args[0],str): # They gave us a string, figure out if it might have subauthorities # in it self._authorities = GENI._splitAuthorities(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], AM): # If given an AM, extract its authority information; accept either a # proper URN object or a simple string if isinstance(args[0].component_manager_id, GENI): self._authorities = args[0].component_manager_id.authorities else: self._authorities = GENI(args[0].component_manager_id).authorities else: self._authorities = args[0] self._type = args[1] self._name = args[2] # Check if everything we got was well formed for authority in self._authorities: if not GENI.isValidAuthority(authority): raise MalformedURNError("Authority: %s" % authority) if not GENI.isValidType(self._type): raise MalformedURNError("Type: %s" % self._type) if not GENI.isValidName(self._name): raise MalformedURNError("Name: %s" % self._name) # In this form we have to reconstruct the NSS from all of the info we just # collected super(GENI,self).__init__(GENI.NID,self._makeNSS()) else: raise WrongNumberOfArgumentsError()
@property def authorities(self): """Returns a list containing at least one authority string (the top level authority) and possibly additional subauthorities.""" return self._authorities @property def authority(self): """Return a single string capturing the entire authority/subauthority chain""" return ":".join(self._authorities) @property def name(self): """Returns the 'name' part of a GENI URN.""" return self._name @property def type(self): """Returns the 'type' part of a GENI URN.""" return self._type def _makeNSS(self): return "%s+%s+%s+%s" % (GENI.NSSPREFIX, self.authority, self._type, self._name) @staticmethod def _splitNSS(s): if not GENI.isValidGENINSS(s): raise MalformedURNError("GENI NSS: %s" % s) matches = re.split(r"""\+""",s,4) return (GENI._splitAuthorities(matches[1]), matches[2], matches[3]) @staticmethod def _splitAuthorities(s): parts = re.split(":",s) for part in parts: if not GENI.isValidAuthority(part): raise MalformedURNError("GENI Authority: %s" % part) return re.split(":",s) @staticmethod def isValidGENINSS(s): return GENI.GENINSS_REGEX.match(s) is not None @staticmethod def isValidAuthority(s): return GENI.AUTHORITY_REGEX.match(s) is not None @staticmethod def isValidType(s): # Note that we don't actually check against the set of known types found # above, as it is not a closed set return GENI.TYPE_REGEX.match(s) is not None @staticmethod def isValidName(s): return GENI.NAME_REGEX.match(s) is not None @staticmethod
[docs] def GENIURNType(s): """Returns the type of the object if the URN is a valid GENI URN, or None otherwise.""" matches = GENI.GENIURN_REGEX.match(s) if matches is None: return None return"type")
[docs] def isValidGENIURN(s): """Returns True if the given string is a valid URN in GENI format, False otherwise.""" return GENI.GENIURNType(s) is not None
[docs]def Authority (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'authority'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_AUTHORITY, name)
[docs]def Interface (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'interface'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_INTERFACE, name)
[docs]def Image (authorities, name, version = None): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'image'.""" if version is not None: constructed_name = "%s:%s" % (name, str(version)) else: constructed_name = name return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_IMAGE, constructed_name)
[docs]def Node (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'node'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_NODE, name)
[docs]def Slice (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'slice'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_SLICE, name)
[docs]def Sliver (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'sliver'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_SLIVER, name)
[docs]def User (authorities, name): """Create a new GENI URN with type 'user'.""" return GENI(authorities, GENI.TYPE_USER, name)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order,global-statement # Lame unit tests import sys import geni.aggregate.instageni as IG errors = 0 def check_urn (urn, value): global errors if str(urn) == value: sys.stdout.write("PASS") else: sys.stdout.write("FAIL") errors = errors + 1 sys.stdout.write(" %s / %s\n" % (urn,value)) def check_type(s, t): global errors urn = Make(s) if isinstance(urn, t): sys.stdout.write("PASS") else: sys.stdout.write("FAIL") errors = errors + 1 sys.stdout.write(" %s / %s\n" % (urn,t.__name__)) check_urn(Base("isbn","0553575384"),"urn:isbn:0553575384") check_urn(GENI("","user","ricci"), "") check_urn(Base("urn:isbn:0140186255"),"urn:isbn:0140186255") check_urn(GENI(""), "") check_urn(GENI(IG.Kentucky,"user","hussam"), "") check_urn(Image(IG.UtahDDC,"UBUNTU64-STD"), "") check_urn(Image(IG.UtahDDC,"UBUNTU64-STD",42), "") check_urn(User(IG.Clemson,"kwang"), "") check_urn(GENI("", "image", "ramcloud-PG0:hq6_ubuntu16.04_singlePC:0"), "") check_type("urn:isbn:0345371984",Base) check_type("",GENI) check_type("",GENI) sys.exit(errors)