2025-02-10 (70c274a)

16 Citing CloudLab

If you use CloudLab in an academic publication, we ask that you refer to it by name in your text, and that you cite the paper below: it helps us find papers that have used the facility, helps readers know about the environment in which your experiments were run, and helps us to report on the testbed’s use to our funders.



    title     = "The Design and Operation of {CloudLab}",

    author    = "Dmitry Duplyakin and Robert Ricci and Aleksander Maricq and Gary Wong and Jonathon Duerig and Eric Eide and Leigh Stoller and Mike Hibler and David Johnson and Kirk Webb and Aditya Akella and Kuangching Wang and Glenn Ricart and Larry Landweber and Chip Elliott and Michael Zink and Emmanuel Cecchet and Snigdhaswin Kar and Prabodh Mishra",

    booktitle = "Proceedings of the {USENIX} Annual Technical Conference (ATC)",

    pages     = "1--14",

    year      = 2019,

    month     = jul,

    url       = "https://www.flux.utah.edu/paper/duplyakin-atc19"
